How to Make a Powerful Prayer List

Prayer List

Have you ever wondered how to make a prayer list for powerful daily prayers? When aligned with scripture, prayer lists can help you develop a prayer life and partner with God to build His kingdom.

More than fifteen years ago, I started writing down lists of all the areas of my life that I wanted God to redeem, heal, and protect. This included people, relationships, healing, work situations, school situations, finances, etc.

Once this list began to grow, I added Bible verses to specific items on the list, and then I prayed the Bible verses for the corresponding items written. For example, I wanted God to help my children to have victory and to overcome obstacles in their lives. This was before we know that our children struggled with severe food allergies, but God knew the areas of their lives that needed prayer.

As a result, I have prayed 1 John 4:4 NIV for my children daily. 1 John 4:4 NIV says, “You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who in the world.” Time and time again, God has answered that prayer, and my children have experienced victory in many ways.

This prayer request remains on my list and remains one of many powerful daily prayers for my children.

What is a prayer list?

A prayer list is a simple tool to build your private prayer life for intercessory prayer. In many previous articles, we have talked about being still in God’s presence to build intimacy and a relationship with God. Having a prayer list and building your private prayer life is different from building a relationship with God. Your prayer list and private prayer time are ways to partner with God to build His kingdom and to glorify him.

There are two important characteristics to a prayer list. First, prayer requests on the list are fluid, meaning that the list changes as things are taken off the list and added to. Secondly, the prayer requests on the list are prayed for regularly and persistently.

Psalms 5:3 NIV says, “In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.”

Psalms 55:17 NKJV says, “Evening and morning and at noon I will pray, and cry aloud, And He shall hear my voice.”

As Psalms 5:3 and Psalms 55:17 indicate, prayer requests are regular and persistent, and a prayer list is a tool used to develop prayer requests.

Prayer list ideas

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” ~ Philippians 4:6 NIV

Prayer list ideas are endless! If there is something important to you, then it is important to God.

Examples of prayer list ideas:

How to make a prayer list

Since prayer list ideas are endless, how do you create a prayer list? Start with making a list of requests that you feel need to be laid before God in prayer. Remember, anything important to you is important to God. No prayer request is too big or too small for God.

You can use the example list above for ideas on how to make a prayer list. Once you have a list of prayer requests written, then pray and ask God to show you a Bible verse that you might use to pray with that specific prayer request. Write down the corresponding Bible verse with the prayer request.

You can add prayer requests at any time, and you can take prayer requests off the prayer list once they have been answered in God’s will.

How does a prayer list build God’s kingdom?

The purpose of creating a prayer list is not to seek God’s hands for our selfish gain, but it should contain requests that partner with God to build His kingdom.

Each prayer request on the list should answer three questions:

  1. Do my prayer requests align with God’s Word?
  2. How do I want God to answer my prayer? Is it selfish or meant to build his kingdom?
  3. What is God’s will for the items on my prayer list?

For example, you may put a prayer request on the list by asking to know God’s will so that you may know how to pray more specifically for the request.

A prayer list template is available for immediate download and can be a great tool for creating your prayer list today.

Prayer List Template

We hope and pray that this prayer list tool will become valuable as you partner with God to build His kingdom.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” ~ Philippians 4:6 NIV

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