40 Sample Medical Leave Letter For Employees at the Office

Medical Leave Letter For Employee

An employee often applies for medical or sick leave when they are sick, injured, or need to attend to other health issues a formal and substantive process by which they call out of work. It is important to serve a notice letter to keep your organization informed in case of medical emergencies. Hence, you will need a medical leave letter for employee.

On the other hand, most employees, especially those who are new at work and unacquainted with the company’s activism may find the process of applying for sick leave intimidating and puzzling. In this article, we will make you understand everything you need to include in your application and also help you with the idea of writing an effectual “Medical leave application letter”.

Health issues are not often planned for, they do come in an emergency way. Despite the emergency, the appropriate authority must be communicated and made to understand your condition. With the information provided here, you will be able to reach your industry or boss effectively.

  1. Sample Letter For Medical Leave Of Absence From Work
  2. Medical Leave Application For Office
  3. Leave Application For Medical Reason
  4. Application For Medical Treatment
  5. Emergency Leave Letter For Medical Treatment
  6. Medical Leave Request Email
  7. Leave Application For Medical Treatment

Sample Letter For Medical Leave Of Absence From Work

Dear (name of recipient),

I’m writing you know that I need to take a medical leave from work and won’t be coming to work until (date).

The doctor’s report that confirmed the number of days I will need to fully recuperate has been attached to this email. My sincere apologies for the inconvenience I might have caused with my awayness. I will try my best to always attend urgent work from home.

My phone line is always available if you need any additional information regarding your health condition. I will inform you at my earliest if I won’t be able to resume on the (date). And when I resume, I will make every effort to keep pace with my work Please approve my application. Thanks so much.

Yours sincerely
Your name
Your signature.

I’m writing this letter to notify you that I need to an authorized leave because of my health issue. I was diagnosed with lung cancer and I will need to undergo surgery. According to my oncologist, my treatment will commence on (date). So I won’t be coming to work from tomorrow till (your resumption date).

I realize this is disappointing and I promise to do my utmost to balance everything when I resume back on (date). If possible, I will be replying to imperative emails during my stay at home. My hospital report will be attached to my letter.

In case I won’t be resuming on the stated date, I will inform you as early as possible. Below are my contact details for any information. I will be glad if my application is favorably considered. Thanks for Your usual understanding.

Yours faithfully
Your signature.
Your email address/phone number

Dear (name of the recipient),

The purpose of my letter is to let you know that I will need to take a sick leave due to my health challenge. For a couple of weeks now, I have been struggling with a serious migraine that needs quick attention. And my physician told me I would need (number of days) for the treatment. Therefore, I will be off work from (date) till (date of your resumption). I’m sorry for the stress and frustration my absence may cause.

I look forward to being able to sporadically check my mail and work on some projects from home especially (you can mention the project you have been working on). I will do my best to catch up on anything I missed when I resume on (your resumption date).

Please don’t hesitate to send me an email or put a call through to me. Me via (your email address and phone number) if there is any other thing you want to know. I will be waiting to get approval from you, sir. Thanks and God bless.

Yours sincerely
Your signature.

Dear Mr (name of the recipient),

I wanted to bring to your notice that I will need a sick leave because of my health condition. I won’t be coming to work from (date) until (your resumption date). I have been battling with an eye problem and according to my optician, I will need to come for treatment for (number of days) I have included my doctor’s letter that substantiates my days of absence. I realize this is disappointing and I feel so sorry.

I will try my hardest to reply to important emails and get some work done while I recover from my illness. And I will notify you as quickly as I can if there is a change in my resumption date. You can reach out to me at (your email address and phone number) if you need me to provide further details about my health or my unfinished task. Hoping to hear a positive response from you. Thanks for your understanding.

Yours sincerely
Your signature.

Dear(name of the recipient),

Please consider this letter as my formal way of taking an authorized leave from work. I was involved in a serious accident which caused my ankle joint diffracture and according to my orthopedist, the correction of the deformities in my skeletal system will take (number of days). So, I will be absent from work from (date) to (resumption date).

I apologize for the disruption my awayness may cause and I will try my best to attend to my mail and do some work I can do while I undergo my treatment. The hospital report will be attached to my letter. And in case you need further information from me, don’t hesitate to call or send me an email on (your phone number and your email address).

I will be back at work on (your resumption date), but If I won’t be able to resume by then, I will inform you as soon as possible. I calmly await your positive reply. Thanks so much.

Yours sincerely
Your signature.

Medical Leave Application For Office

6. Dear sir,
I am writing this application to request for a medical leave of two weeks. The last building project I supervised stressed me out, so I’d like to take some weeks off from work to rest. Attached to this letter is my doctor’s report stating that I stop working for now and concentrate on my health.

Yours sincerely
Your Name

This letter is to notify you that I have suddenly fallen victim to tuberculosis and it is at a critical stage. I am requesting a month’s medical leave to get treated, Please grant my leave so I can get the necessary medication and hopefully return to work. I have placed my assistant in charge of answering emails and other documents and I trust she will do exceedingly great executing it.

I wish to inform you that due to a chronic illness, I will be requesting 14 days of medical leave. The illness has worsened and requires immediate medical attention and that can only be possible if am out of work, Please consider my request and grant me leave soon before it gets to the point of death, I have executed all the urgent projects on my desk to make sure that my absence doesn’t affect the organization

Best Regards
Your signature.

Leave Application For Medical Reason

It saddens me to inform you that I was diagnosed with a terrible disease that might probably end my life. This illness requires prompt medical attention and I don’t know how long it will take for me to fully recover. Considering the unstable condition of my health, I will be requesting a month-long medical leave to manage this illness.

You will find the doctor’s report attached to the letter, I sincerely wish you grant my leave request, Thank you.

I am writing this letter to request medical leave due to my health condition. I consulted the doctor last week and I was diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome. It has affected my productivity at work so I need to be at the hospital to get treated.

The doctor stated that it might last for 4 months or less. For my absence to not disrupt the execution of the building project, I have placed my other colleague in charge. He is more than capable of handling my position. I hope my request is accepted and granted.

Best regards
Your signature.

Application For Medical Treatment

I am Linda and I have been working in the HR department for 2 years. I am writing this letter to bring to your notice my health condition.

I was diagnosed with gallstones and I have to undergo surgery scheduled for next week. I am requesting that I be given a month of medical leave to attend to my health.

I hope my request is considered and granted before my scheduled surgery date, thank you.

Your Name
Your signature.

This letter serves as a request for a month’s medical leave. I have been battling and managing bile for the past few months, and it has grown worse. I must get to see a doctor as soon as possible, I would appreciate it if my request is granted, thank you.
Your Name
Your signature.

I am writing to inform you of my present health condition. I was in a ghastly motor accident over the weekend that almost took my life, I sustained a few leg injuries and also scratches and bruises all over my body.

The doctor said I’ll be on bed rest for 3 weeks, I am requesting 3 weeks of medical leave to get enough medical attention and properly rest well to hasten the healing. I hope to get back to work as soon as I get better. Thank you.

Best regards
Your Name
Your signature

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I have been experiencing a serious case of fatigue and dizziness and it has taken a great toll. I have consulted the doctor and he said it’s due to stress and I need to take better rest to get better.

I’ll be requesting 2 weeks long medical leave to have enough rest, I have attached the doctor’s report to this letter and also made sure my colleague will stand in for me during my absence, thank you.
Your Name

Boss, I want to inform you that I am being infected by a highly contagious flu, and staying at work will be disastrous for my colleagues. I’d like to request a week’s leave to get appropriate medical attention. I’ll get back to work as soon as I am relieved of the flu.

Best regards
Your Name

This is to notify you that I will be unavailable at work starting Monday due to medical reasons. I have been experiencing a sudden shortage of breath for the past two days and I need to consult the doctor to be diagnosed.

Pending the time I’ll be absent I will leave the branch manager in charge of supervision and all, thank you.

I want to request a medical leave of absence, I have been diagnosed with an illness that needs constant medical treatment. I will be absent from work every Friday for one month for the treatment. I will finish up my tasks for the week before Friday to not inconvenience anyone with my absence. Thank you.

I will be taking a medical leave of absence for two days. My son got seriously injured in school. He requires my total attention to hasten his recovery. If my attention is urgently needed, please do not hesitate to email or text me. I will be readily available to answer them.

I hope this letter finds you in high spirits. I want to request a medical leave of absence for a week due to medical reasons. A medical crisis unexpectedly affected me and the doctor advised that I undergo urgent surgery and also get enough rest afterward. I’ll attach the doctor’s report to this letter for proper validation. Thank you

I am writing to bring you to a notice concerning the health of my wife. She has been in and out of the hospital lately and she needs all the attention and care. Due to this illness, I will be requesting two two-week long medical leave of absence to tend to her,

I won’t let my absence stop the progress of the event, if any assistance or urgent attention is needed, please reach out. Thank you.

Emergency Leave Letter For Medical Treatment

I want to notify you that, I’ll need to take an emergency medical leave. I was just informed that my son was rushed to the hospital from school and he is in a critical situation.

I don’t know for how long I will be away, but I will update you on any progress and inform you on when I will be coming back to work. Thank you

( Your Name )

This letter is the inform you about my medical situation. I will be taking an emergency leave starting from tomorrow. I have to undergo an emergency surgery so I will be unavailable for any work duties, my colleague will be in charge of answering every of my emails and messages. Thank you.

Best regards
Your Name

This is a matter of urgent emergency leave, my mother was just rushed to the hospital. I was informed she slumped and her head has been bleeding Terribly. I will be away from work till my mum gets better. I deeply apologize for whatever inconvenience my absence will cause. I’ll try to fix everything as soon as I get back to work.

Please accept this request for an emergency leave, I will be away from the office for a short duration. I received a piece of bad news about the health of my elder brother who needs urgent medical attention.

I will have to take care of him till he gets better, I will be available to attend to urgent emails, calls, and messages, I hope to return to work as soon as possible, thank you.

I am writing to request medical leave due to an emergency, My wife just went into labor and I have to be by her side through the whole process. As soon as it is all over I will be back at work to continue my duties, thank you.

I am sorry for the short notice of my medical leave request but I’ll need to leave work immediately due to an emergency. I was just informed that my mother is at the hospital undergoing surgery, I have handed all supervision to the manager to handle, and I hope to be back at work soon. Thank you

Best regards
Your Name

I am writing this letter to request an emergency leave due to a family situation. I just received a message about the death of one of my closest uncles and I have to be there with the family in these trying times.

I hope my absence will not cause not much disruption in the progress of the project, please let me know if there is any urgent message or if my attention is urgently needed, I will be available to respond to it all.

( Your Name)

I’m writing this letter to inform you that I will be taking emergency leave due to a family crisis. My father was just diagnosed with paralysis and it is going to be a huge blow for my mother so I have to be there to support and assist her.

I will resume work in two weeks to tend to my work duties and attend to my clients.

Best regard
( Your Name)

I am writing this letter to request an urgent family leave. I just got a piece of news about the accident of my sister, she had a gas explosion and I need to be with her immediately, I have handed all the projects to my assistants.

I trust that he will handle them properly and do not hesitate to call me in case of urgency, I will try to be back at work as soon as possible. Thank you.

I am writing to inform you that I’ll be taking an emergency medical leave. I was rushed to the hospital overnight due to the severe pain I was going through and I had to undergo an urgent operation immediately. I hope to get better fast to get back to work to complete my projects.

Medical Leave Request Email

31. Good day sir,

I’m writing this to apply for sick leave due to my health issue. I have not been feeling too well since last week and I have tried self-medication but it only gets worse. So when I consulted my doctor last weekend I was told to come to the hospital for proper treatment and this will take me (number of days).

I won’t be coming to work till (date of resumption). I apologize for the disruption my absence from work may cause. I promise to stay in touch during my stay at home. Please let me know if there is anything you would want me to do for you. Thanks, a lot.

Best regards
Your name.

Please consider this email as my official request for medical leave. I wanted to let you know that I won’t be coming to work from (date) until (resumption date). I started feeling sudden pain in my chest last two for over two weeks ago and after a series of tests.

I was diagnosed with a muscle strain. I will be commencing my treatment on (date). I have attached a copy of the doctor’s report to my email. I realize this is disappointing and I will resume as soon as I feel better. Please let me know if there is any urgent thing to attend to before my resumption. I look forward to receiving an approval email from you.

Thanks for your understanding.
Your name.

I wanted to inform you that I need to be sick due to my health challenge. I will be away from work for (number of days). I have been feeling so sick and my health condition has been deteriorating. I visited the hospital yesterday after work and I was diagnosed with typhoid.

The doctor advised me to take a break from work until I’m fully back on my feet. I never expected this and I apologize for the stress I might have caused with my absence from work. I have tidied up most of my work and my assistant will help me with the one I’m unable to finish.

I can’t wait to recuperate and resume back as soon as possible. Please approve my request. Thanks in advance.

Best regards
Your name.

34. Good day (name of the recipient),

I would like to take some days off work. I have been feeling terrible pain in my lower abdomen for a few days now and I have tried everything I know but everything is to no avail. I would like to take ( number of days) sick leave so I can go to the hospital for a check-up and proper treatment. Hoping to these of (date of resumption.

My sincere apologies for any disruption my awayness will cause. I will inform you as early as possible if I won’t be able to resume on the proposed day. You can always call me or send me an email in case of an emergency at work. I look forward to getting a response from you.

35. Hello (name of the recipient),

I’m sorry, I will need to take a medical leave of (number of days). I understand how crucial my presence at work is, but this is beyond my control. I was diagnosed with cancer of the breast and I will need to undergo a lumpectomy and the surgery will take a couple of months.

The letter from my doctor that validates this will be included in my email. I apologize sincerely for the commotion my absence may cause. Don’t hesitate to reach out to me if my attention is needed as regards any of my unfinished tasks. I hope my request is granted.

Thanks for your understanding.

Leave Application For Medical Treatment

This is to let you know that I would like to apply for a medical leave from (start date) to (end date, I have been suffering from severe pain in my ear, and after a series of tests has been conducted, the result showed that I have otitis media.

I was advised to take a break from work to take proper care of my health. My treatment will last (number of days). A copy of my medical certificate has been attached. I will try my hardest to make sure I finish all pending tasks before I go on my leave. I would appreciate it if my application is considered. Thanks.

Respected Sir or Ma’am,

I would like to inform you about my health challenge and to request a (number of days) sick leave. I visited our family hospital during the week and I was diagnosed with anemia. A blood donor will be needed before the blood transfusion and I haven’t gotten any yet.

The doctor advised that I quit my job with immediate effect for proper medical attention. I’m sorry for mog informing you before now and I apologize for any frustration my absence will cause.

Please don’t hesitate to let me know if you will need me for anything. A copy of the medical certificate will be included. I hope to resume as soon as possible. Please approve my request.

This is to inform you that I will need an authorized leave of (number of days) due to the state of my health. I have having pains in my ankle, neck, and back and when I visited the hospital yesterday, I was diagnosed with arthralgia. So I will be unavailable to come to work from (date) to (date).

The doctor warned me to take time off work and recuperate. I will be handling my duties to my assignment pending my leave period. And you can reach out to me via (your email address and phone number) if there is any urgent case that needs my attention. I won’t be resuming till (end-date). I hope my request is granted.

Respected Sir or Ma’am,

I’m using this medium to request a (number of days or week) leave because of my illness. I have been experiencing severe pain in my lower abdomen and it was confirmed that I suffered from parietal. The doctor has put me on medication and I was advised to stay at home till I fully recuperate.

I realize this is this pointing and I have made arrangements for everything. My teammates will handle everything till I come and my assistant will take my role pending the time of my leave. Thanks for your usual support and understanding.

Good day, Sir or Ma’am,

This is to inform you that I will need to go on medical leave from (start date) to (end-date) as a result of my health issue. Yesterday when I was going back home from work, I had an accident and it has been confirmed by the physician that I sustained internal bleeding. I will stop coming to work for now till I fully recover.

I’m so sorry for the stress my awareness may cause. Please let me know if you need anything from me. My medical certificate is attached. I await your positive response. Thanks so much.